Major research projects
SYNERGY: Developing new behavioural models at the intersection of psychology, econometrics and machine learning
Principal investigator
European Research Council Advanced Grant (101020940)
02/2022 – 01/2028
The SYNERGY project will bring together theories from choice modelling, mathematical psychology and machine learning to develop next generation data driven behavioural models. For further details, see the project site.
APOLLO: Further development of the Apollo software
Principal investigator
European Research Council Proof of Concept Grant (875692)
The APOLLO grant funded further developments of the Apollo package for choice modelling, including speed improvements and the inclusion of new model types. For further details on Apollo, see the software page.
Investigating travel choice behaviour: a new approach
International partner investigator
Australian Research Council Discovery Grant (DP150103299)
This grant funded innovative work in merging methods from stated choice surveys, experimental economics, and naturalistic driving simulators.
Provision of market research for value of time savings and reliability
UK Department for Transport Framework proposal 05/2014-04/2015
This grant funded the work leading to the development of new official value of travel time measures for the United Kingdom, now part of official guidance.
DECISIONS: Choices and consumption: modelling long and short term decisions in a changing world
Principal investigator
European Research Council Consolidator grant (615596)
The DECISIONS project led to numerous developments in choice modelling, including bridging the gaps with mathematical psychology, the exploitation of new data sources, and the development of the Apollo software. For further details, see the project site.
Evaluation of patient preferences for and cost effectiveness of community intravenous antibiotic services
National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Responsive mode grant (11/2003/60) 01/2013-12/2015
This grant funded mixed methods research into patient preferences for and cost effectiveness of outpatient parenteral antimicrobial therapy in the UK.
Foundational Knowledge to Support a Long-Distance Passenger Travel Demand Modeling Framework
US Federal Highway Administration Exploratory Research Grant (DTFH61-10-R-00036)
This grant funded exploratory research into the development of the first nationwide long distance transport model for the United States.
Freight Route Choice Using GPS Data
Principal investigator
UK Department for Transport Framework Proposal
This grant funded exploratory research into the use of Global Positioning System (GPS) data for route choice modelling for freight.
ACTUM Analyses of activity-based travel chains and sustainable mobility
Danish Strategic Research Council Responsive mode grant (10-086415)
03/2011 – 03/2016
This grant funded exploratory research into the development of the first prototype activity based model for Copenhagen.
Transtools III: Transport modelling for policy impact assessment
European Union FP7 Cooperation Work Programme (266182)
01/2011 – 12/2015
This grant funded exploratory research into the development of the next general transport model for the European Union, including a focus on data sources.
Estimation of travel demand models from panel data
Principal investigator
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Responsive mode grant (EP/G033609/1)
02/2009 – 10/2010
This grant funded research into appropriate ways of dealing with repeated choice data in the estimation of advanced choice models, including error corrections.
Advances in modelling human choice behaviour
Principal investigator
Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellowship
10/2008 – 10/2010
This early career fellowship supported several methodological developments, including the exploration of behavioural flexibility in choice models.